Canadian Indie Comic Books Wiki

Basic info[]

Written and drawn by NeMo Balkanski

Softcover, 56 pages, Colour, 9 x 12 in

Published by The Publishing Eye

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Once upon a time, a subterranean organization called FIB (Fabulous Investigation Bureau) was created to investigate very suspicious characters and other experts for public unrest. That was when normality transformed into insanity... 

NeMo Balkanski's FIB Chronicle explores the eternal flaws of human beings through uncompromising satirical and impertinent tales based on his own experiences. A doomed world filled with voracious greed, consumerism, ultra violence, dehumanization... These snapshots of reality are themselves part of a broader reflection about freedom of choice and free will in an environment where social pressure has never been so strong. In the end, it's all about people, delusional people that act irrationally because they lost their bearings. 

An astonishing variety of versed drawing styles combined with a revolutionary way of storytelling, NeMo boldly creates a new chapter in the history of comic art. With its tempting visuals, this comic easily engages its readers and absorbs them into a net of diverse and irrational sensations but also unique and powerful impressions... 

It uncompromisingly forges a completely new dimension by disregarding the structure of comic book series, through short and striking forms, using disposable super-anti-heroes made out of ordinary beings.



FIB Chronicle, the trailer

Printing Information[]

  1. First Print ??? Copies